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Still frame from Perennials brand video

Live Fearlessly

Perennials’ selection of luxurious products start with solution-dyed acrylic, making them fade resistant, mildew-and mold-resistant and bleach-cleanable for spaces you can live-in.

What Makes Perennials So Great?

Perennials is the leader in the luxury performance textile industry. Since the company’s debut in 1997, Perennials has become recognized as the designer’s dream for both contract and residential applications.



Perennials Fabrics

Since the date she started her quest for the ultimate outdoor fabric, Perennials Founder Ann Sutherland has directed an orchestra of skilled artisans who love what they do — and it shows in every detail.

Learn about our fabrics

Splash Tibetan Knot Rug Designed by Martyn ThompsonTibetan

beautiful & durable

Luxurious Rugs

Elegant, soft and made to handle the rough stuff, Perennials Luxury Performance rugs are handmade using Perennials 100% solution-dyed acrylic yarn, making all of the rugs beautiful and durable for indoors or out.

Learn about our rugs

modern & elegant


With a diverse range of styles, including organic textures, natural materials, refined sophisticated patterns and performance qualities, our wallcoverings bring timeless luxury to every room in the home. The collection is thoughtfully curated and every wallcovering.

Learn about our wallcoverings

Inspiration to Installation

All Perennials Luxury Performance Rugs are made-to-order and handcrafted by skilled artisans – just the way you want it. Creating your own Perennials rug is only a step away.