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Fabric Care

Spilling the tea

Fabric Care and Cleaning

If you’ve made a mess on Perennials, you have nothing to worry about. From barbecue sauce to wine, our 100% solution dyed acrylic fabrics can handle the most usual suspects.

Ice cream melting on gold fabric.

Caring For Your Fabric

Everyday Care

For everyday maintenance, brush or vacuum any loose dirt from the surface of the fabric, following the direction of the pile.

Spills should be removed immediately, blotting any liquid from the fabric surface and using a clean, damp cloth or sponge to remove any remaining stain. Rinse with clean water and let air dry. As a final step, the pile can be combed with a soft bristle brush in the direction of the pile.

Download the Complete Care Guide

Fiber to Finish Screenshot 2

Tough Stains

Professional cleaning (any solvent except for Trichloroethylene; low heat only) is always recommended for tough stains.

Wine spill on Perennials performance rug.

Cleaning Your Fabric

We recommend cleaning Perennials fabrics and rugs with natural soap in lukewarm water. Sponge briskly and rinse thoroughly with clean water to remove dirt. (Acrylic does not support mildew growth; however, mildew may grow on dirt and residue that has not been removed from the fabric.) Air dry.

Martyn Thompson rug by Perennials

Chlorine Bleach

Chlorine bleach will not affect the coloration of the solution-dyed acrylic fiber and is therefore acceptable for stubborn stain removal, including mildew. Chlorine bleach, strong chemicals or harsh detergents will eventually affect the strength of any fiber or cloth, so we suggest a diluted solution of one part bleach to two parts water. Thorough rinsing is essential. Please note that chlorine bleach is never recommended as a stain remover for printed fabrics or natural fibers (i.e. hemp), as it will affect the coloration of the print or natural fiber.

Chocolate melted on performance velvet by Perennials.

Velvet Handling & Care

Perennials 100% solution-dyed acrylic velvets offer high-performance style and luxury, enhancing living spaces both indoors and out. With a few basic tips for proper handling and care, these luxurious fabrics will remain beautiful for years to come.

Spill on Vegan Leather

Vegan Leather Care

Our performance vegan leather stands up to the toughest stains. Wipe up spills as soon as they occur. Clean with soap and water. Sanitize using disinfectants such as (1:5) bleach/water solution. To remove wrinkling, steam / low iron on back.

Velvelts rolled


In order to prevent damage to the pile, velvet should never be stored vertically, as the weight of the fabric may sag and unduly press on the lower end of the bolt, potentially resulting in wrinkling. Always store bolts horizontally and suspended if possible. Though every measure has been taken to protect the velvet, some wrinkling may occur in transit and is not to be considered a defect.

Have more questions?

Contact our knowledgeable sales and support team.