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Rug Care

Rug Care and Cleaning

Now you really don’t have to cry over spilled milk.

Perennials rugs are made with 100% solution-dyed acrylic technology, which means along with resisting fading and mildew, it’s also a cinch to clean. Explore below to find out more.

Spill Away


Let’s face it. You’re going to spill something on that nice new rug of yours. It’s bound to happen. There’s even a law named after it (whoever that Murphy guy is).

But here’s the thing. With a Perennials Luxury Performance Rug, it’s not a problem.

Perennials' Weitzner rug with cherry stains.


Whether it’s the wine stain from last night’s soiree or permanent marker from the kids’ art expo, tough stains are no match for Perennials high performance rugs. Not even bleach will rough this rug up. Here’s how to say goodbye to your worst soil, splashes and set-in spots.


Remove spills immediately to avoid staining. Blot excess liquid from the surface, and gently dab with a clean, damp cloth. Use a mild detergent if needed to remove the spill. Rinse thoroughly with clean water and let air dry.

The Spill by Perennials.


Chlorine bleach can be used for stubborn stain removal as it will not affect the rug coloration. Use a diluted solution of one part bleach to two parts water and rinse thoroughly.


Heavy foot traffic and weather exposure can grind dirt into the rug’s surface, causing a dingy appearance. Perennials rugs can be power washed to remove surface dirt. Allow the rug to dry thoroughly before re-installing.


Regular vacuuming is recommended to remove loose dirt or soil. Use a canister vacuum without a beater or set the beater bar to the highest setting. This will prevent the brush from pulling and damaging the surface fibers.


Professional service is recommended when onsite cleaning is not possible. Advise cleaners to use low heat steam settings to avoid damaging yarn.

Have more questions?

Contact our knowledgeable sales and support team.