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Liz Lambert's Todos Santos Guide

Todos Santos is located close to the tip of the Baja California Sur peninsula, framed by the Pacific Ocean on one side and the Sierra de la Laguna mountain range on the other. The town is popular with artists and surfers and is also known for being an agricultural and food paradise. Originally founded as a mission in 1724, it later became a major sugar cane producer. Today, music and art are around every corner, and excellent dining and beaches make it a coveted destination.

The creative force behind our Perennials by Far West collection, Texas-based hotelier Liz Lambert finds an abundance of inspiration in Todos Santos. With a second home in the area, she shares her love for the local culture, specifically agriculture. “Hierbabuena, a very short drive from the house, is one of my favorite restaurants in the world. When cooking at the house, we love to visit to the local pescadaro and pick out a fish caught fresh that morning. Farms and fields in the area produce the best vegetables and fruits.”

There is also a thriving ecotourism industry, with whale and bird watching, scuba and snorkeling, kayaking and boating, as well as trips into the mountains to experience the natural beauty and diverse ecosystems the area holds. Keep reading to discover the best of what Todos Santos has to offer…


Not only does Hierbabuena offer an AMAZING farm to table menu, the grounds are absolutely stunning. We suggest taking your time when visiting this culinary paradise.

La Sonrisa de la Muerte

La Sonrisa de la Muerte is an uber cool art gallery in the heart of Todos Santos. Shop for art prints from local artists that evoke modern graphic Mexican culture. Bring home incredibly unique and reasonably priced art for your home.

Taller 17

Did you work up an appetite with all the shopping? Stop by Taller 17, a café in downtown Todos Santos making THE BEST PASTRIES. Don’t trust us? Read the all-five-star reviews online. Owner and pro baker Juliana Ortega is typically onsite welcoming guests everyday. There will most likely be a line (secret is out, people), but it goes quickly and is well worth it. Don’t miss the sticky bun, vanilla cupcake, and chocolate chip cookie. And coffee. Really, you can’t go wrong. I’m drooling.


Part cafe, part market, part farm, Agricole is an iconic Todos Santos staple. Agricole features a lovely cafe offering drinks and pastries during the day, as well as dinner in the restaurant at night. Both spaces are situated near the beautiful grounds flourishing with organic fruits, veggies, and flowers.

No time to visit Todos Santos soon? Our Perennials by Far West collection is here to provide a Baja paradise experience at home.

Shop Perennials by Far West
On the Horizon - Azul
Baja Stripe
Campo Stripe
Tejas Stripe
Serape Stripe
Palo verde