Pantone's Color of the Year: Viva Magenta
T’is the season for 2023 trend forecasting! From kitchen trends to bedroom trends, the design industry loves to predict what might be BIG for the next year. Cue every paint brand telling consumer what paints will dominate 2023. The authority on all things color, Pantone, released their 2023 Color of the Year: Viva Magenta! “In this age of technology, we look to draw inspiration from nature and what is real,” explains Leatrice Eiseman, Executive Director, Pantone Color Institute. “PANTONE 18-1750 Viva Magenta descends from the red family, and is inspired by the red of cochineal, one of the most precious dyes belonging to the natural dye family as well as one of the strongest and brightest the world has known.” Discover Perennials favorites that incorporate this vibrant hue.

Rooted in the primordial, PANTONE 18-1750 Viva Magenta reconnects us to original matter. Invoking the forces of nature, PANTONE 18-1750 Viva Magenta galvanizes our spirit, helping us to build our inner strength.
Plushy in Hotsy Totsy
Perennials’ signature velvet, Plushy, is available in over 30 colorways. So it’s no surprise we offer a magenta option. Plushy in Hotsy Totsy is a strong seller for obvious reasons. The kid’s room below from Sally Steponkus is the perfect example of incorporating a splash of fun color into a design.

Serape Stripe in Hibiscus
SPOILER ALERT. If you hate sneak peeks, stop reading. But honestly who hates sneak peeks? Debuting January 2023, Perennials by Far West, a collaboration with Texas hotelier Liz Lambert, features a splash of magenta through the collection. A take on vintage serape blankets, Tejas Stripe in Hibiscus is a vivid quality ideal for outdoor entertaining spaces.

Tiny Cord in Hotsy Totsy
Looking for just a sprinkle of Viva Magenta? Tiny Cord in Hotsy Totsy is perfect for bordering pillows and cushions of complimentary hues. Looking for impact? Throw it on our Serape Stripe (above)!

Are you a fan of Viva Magenta? Or were you partial to 2021’s Ultimate Grey or 2022’s Veri Peri?