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Enter the Perennials 25th Anniversary Rug Design Contest!

Martyn Thompson rug collection for Perennials
Hear ye, hear ye! In honor of Perennials' big 2-5, we are holding a contest to discover the next iconic Perennials rug design.

Perennials is a quarter-of-a-century old. Older than the iPod, the Roomba, Facebook, Shawn Mendes, and other cultural icons. To celebrate, we are inviting designers and design aficionados to submit an 8×10 Tibetan knot rug design inspired by our brand.

The winner (who knows, it could be YOU) will receive:

  • $25,000 cash prize
  • $25,000 to a charity of the winner’s choice (nonprofit choice to be approved by Perennials)
  • 8×10 Tibetan knot rug (your winning design!)

Are you interested in creating a FEARLESS DESIGN? Keep reading for a few instructions to ensure your submission is a hit.

  • Confirm your submission is high res (minimum 300 DPI)
  • Design with 8×10 size in mind
  • Submission can be a hand-drawn sketch or digital rendering as long as it is crystal clear
  • FULL color (don’t forget – we love color blending!)
  • TIFFS or PSD preferred (JPEGS accepted)
  • Submit via this Google Form

The deadline to submit your design is March 31, 2022. Perennials will choose FIVE top designs that will then be voted on by the public. Perennials and Sutherland employees are not eligible. The top five designs will also be featured on The Spill.

When creating your design, please keep in mind what Perennials stands for in terms of living fearlessly. Peruse a couple blog posts or our About Section for inspiration. Feel free to go super literal or beautifully abstract. It’s up to YOU!

We look forward to seeing your creative designs!!

Shop Tibetan knot Rug Designs
Outburst Tibetan Knot
Elements Tibetan Knot
Ink Blot in Fossil
Ink Blot Tibetan Knot
Euphoria in Confetti
Euphoria Tibetan Knot