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Spill Spotlight: Go to Stripe

Welcome to the Spill Spotlight, a series to highlight designer favorites with installation shots and fun facts behind the design.

For almost five years, Perennials’ Go to Stripe has been a designer ‘go to’ for its approachable scale and variety of sophisticated hues. It is the perfect three inch stripe that designers asked for, so we provided in droves. The history of the quality is a compelling read and – fun fact – the first-ever blog post for The Spill. Recently, we’ve seen an uptick in installations featuring our Go to Stripe, including a stunning cover shot in the August issue of Architectural Digest. #famous Browse our favorite installs using the Go to Stripe.

Creative Tonic

The Texas-based design studio created a zesty outdoor lounge area by upholstering furniture in Go to Stripe (Spring). “I love bringing the indoors outdoors… literally! I had this indoor furniture stripped, refinished, rewrapped + recovered to weather the elements!” says Courtnay Tartt Elias, Principle, Creative Tonic Design.

North Fork Design Co.

Stripes and burl? Yes, please. North Fork Design Co. complemented a pretty burl wood console with a pair of custom ottomans in Go to Stripe (French Lilac).

Ashcroft Interiors

Spotting a sunny outdoor space in the UK is a rarity, so we loved this seating arrangement designed by Ashcroft Interiors. The cushions are adorned in Go to Stripe (Melon).

Courtesy of Ashcroft Interiors

Clary Bosbyshell

Atlanta designer Clary Bosbyshell paired our Go to Stripe (Ice Blue) with Palmetto (Verdigris), creating a fun pattern play moment ideal for poolside lounging.

What’s your favorite Perennials stripe? The traditional Go to Stripe? Or something tropical like the Beachcomber Stripe? Our options are endless!