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Off the Loom: Live Fearlessly Campaign

Alongside our Spring 2021 Villa del Sol collection, Perennials launched an exciting branding initiative – Live Fearlessly! We invite designers and their clients to live fearlessly at home with our true performance textiles. Not only do Perennials fabrics and rugs feature superior soft touch and durability, but they also feature gorgeous colors. We offer the most sophisticated color palette in the performance textile industry. No more scratchy fabrics in primary colors from those other brands. Feel free to spill wine on your Perennials-covered Togo sofa… you can bleach it later! Perennials qualities are at home on the most luxe pieces, vintage or new. So you can live fearlessly in premier luxury.

This stunning sofa is covered in Perennials and ready for spillage

The Campaign

We kicked off the Live Fearlessly shoot by focusing on situations in which clients most often benefit from Perennials textiles. Sloshed wine is always a go to. Perhaps a moment involving dirty shoes… And of course, kiddos.

Do not fear little artists in training!

Messy arts and crafts are no match for our flatwoven Passerelle rug. Neither are: cheeto fingers, OJ spills, ketchup squirts, rogue jelly blobs, and the list goes on. If it’s a particularly hellish mess, bleach it!

Bleachy keen!

Speaking of bleach, we know clients are taught that fabrics and bleach are mortal enemies. Not Perennials. So we wanted to remind clients to pour on the bleach. Seriously. Perennials Product Development once submerged Perennials yarns in bleach for five months and the bleach began breaking down before the yarn was damaged in the slightest.

A waterfall of bleachy goodness

We finagled bleach to cascade down a Perennials-covered sofa onto the Glankoff Tibetan knot rug to demonstrate that fact that our products can handle it.

Bubbly Catastrophes

Note to self. Getting the perfect shot of champagne spilling is a study in trial and error. After multiple attempts involving bubbles galore, the final shot was more than worth it. Nothing says party quite like an elegant champagne spill.

Each image represents a daily scenario; from cleaning to hosting. We wanted the Perennials advantage to be forefront and simply show how our products can help you live a worry-free life.

Disclaimer: No models were inebriated in the making of this campaign.

Cozy Mudroom

Our thoughts? Mudrooms need not be sterile rooms with zero comfort. We aimed to bring a touch of softness to this normally dirty space. We realized a mudroom rug is the perfect way to display performance underfoot.

In these photos we really wanted to convey the message that, even when life’s little mishaps get a little ugly, Perennials fabrics and rugs will stay beautiful.

Do you have any creative ideas for the ultimate Fearlessly Perennials moment? Tag us on Instagram and use the hashtag #fearlesslyperennials for a chance to be featured.

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Walkabout in Tin
Walkabout Tibetan Knot
Good Vibrations
Salt & pepper